Many cultures adore milk tea, but in east Asia and its southeast corridor, milky tea is even more beloved. Now let’s treat ourselves to some Thai Tea.
Do you love tea? Then it will tickle you to learn that it is popular all over the world. Sometimes, you can get high-grade tea straight from the source: the lands of the far east. Many cultures adore milk tea, but in east Asia and its southeast corridor, milky tea is even more beloved. Now let’s treat ourselves to some Thai Tea. Chai-yooo! (cheers!)
What You Need to Make It
As much as you love to drink fresh-made Thai tea when you are out at a market or bubble tea shop, you can try your hand at making it in your very own kitchen as well. For starters, you will need the Thai Tea Mix. Without it, you’ll just have plain black tea. As yummy as that sounds, it’s still rather boring. This particular brand is the gold standard used by Bangkok vendors. You will also need sugar or a sweetener with a similar taste profile. Modifying the amount of sweetness is perfectly fine, but it needs to be sweet to qualify as Thai Tea. Finally, you will need some type of milk. Condensed milk is the most frequent addition, but you can substitute in whole milk, half and half, and even coconut milk. That said, it won’t be exactly the same.
Why Does It Look Orange?
You may be curious why the tea you are holding has that distinctive orange appearance. The reason for this is the presence of food coloring. That’s why the Thai Tea mix is so essential; otherwise, the unaltered tea is a very deep red. Sweetened condensed milk will create the orange glow and make the tea creamier, to boot.
Ways to Customize Your Beverage
We’ve alluded to ways that you can adjust the drink to your tastes, but now let’s get specific. Changing the amount of sugar is one way to do it. It all depends on how sweet you like your caffeinated drinks (yes, this extends to coffee as well). Experiment with the milk that you stir into the tea. Coconut milk can be a nifty idea if you are lactose intolerant and it also gives you another classic flavor from Thai cuisine as well. Then garnish it all with a twist of citrus – lemons, limes, and oranges activate the flavors already in your cup!
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