There are so many healthy fish choices!
You probably already know this, but eating fish is a great way to add important nutrients and protein into your diet.
But there may be a few things about eating fish you didn’t know…
Fish is one of the best sources in the world for omega-3 fatty acids, which helps your brain and body perform at optimal levels. And there are a ton of other benefits from eating fish. Let’s take a look!
Fish Could Lower the Risk of a Heart Attack
As of right now, heart attacks and strokes are two of the most common causes of early deaths across the globe. And eating fish is so important because it is considered part of a diet that promotes a healthy heart. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat fish tend to have a lower risk for heart attacks and strokes. One study in particular found that eating fish just once per week might have helped lower the risk of heart disease by 15%.
Eating Fish Could Protect the Brain
Over time, aging starts to cause the brain to deteriorate. While this is normal, there are also very serious brain function issues like Alzheimer’s. But for people who eat fish, some studies have shown that these individuals experience slower rates of cognitive decline in their brains. Researchers believe that eating fish helps support gray matter in the brain, which is where the neurons process and store information and memories.
Eating Fish Could Treat Depression
Through various studies, researchers are starting to believe that eating fish can help prevent and treat depression. In controlled trials, it was found that omega-3 fatty acids are useful in fighting depression. Not only that, but omega-3 fatty acids can help increase the effectiveness of antidepressant medications. Eating more fish is also believed to help with bipolar disorder. By fighting off depression, eating fish allows you to feel healthier and happier.
Excellence Source of Vitamin D
According to a recent study, 41.6% of the U.S. population does not get enough vitamin D in their diets. Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Just from a four ounce serving of cooked salmon, you can receive 100% of the recommended intake of vitamin D for the day. There are also fish oils that contain very high amounts of vitamin D. Some of these fish oils can provide 200% of the recommended intake of vitamin D in just a single tablespoon. So by either consuming fish oils or eating fish directly, you are greatly improving your vitamin D intake.
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